Wonder Years
I went to a community college after high school. I wanted to eventually transfer to a university after that but I never did. That was all I could afford at the time. My mom single-handedly supported my education. I worked a minimum wage job for anything extra. Having a paid position in student government and winning a small scholarship helped. I had a $1K used Ford Escort and I drove that piece of sh*t everywhere. (Eventually it got totaled) For a little while I was homeless and crashed at my friends houses here and there.
I sometimes wonder how I survived. But I still had the best times. My friends had access to VIP tickets to some clubs in San Francisco. I did newspaper routes and went clubbing 4 nights a week. I slept on my friend’s couch for months. My car broke down on freeways couple of times. But I somehow managed to get it fixed each time. When you think about it, my life then doesn't seem so good, but then it kinda was.
And I wouldn’t trade any of that for anything.
